Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Training Continues

We have a lot to learn!
Our training is in full swing as we get to know each other better and get to know more about our upcoming adventure.  The four of us are somewhat like wild horses, barely able to contain our excitement for every little thing.  Dan definitely has to reign us in on many occasions.

We spend our time learning more about all aspects of Rotary and our specific role in this adventure.  Time is also allotted to planning for our presentations and to learning more about Australia.  Saturday we had the opportunity to join Kristen in her beautiful Arizona town of Flagstaff for training.  The two and a half hour road trip allowed the rest of us to get to know each other a little better, including tastes in music and driving abilities.  It was interesting!!

Coz and the Crew
Once we arrived in Flagstaff, we went to the Second Chance Center for Animals (where Kristen works).  We were joined first by Coz, a wonderful woman from Australia.  She shared very valuable information about the country, as well as some delicious biscuits or bikkies!!  The information was quite helpful as we alleviated some of our concerns about the creatures we may encounter and other myths.  As we continued to discuss a variety of topics, we all seemed to take a collective breath in attempts to hold back our excitement.
Eric and the GSE Team

Next Eric, a past Flagstaff Club President, joined us to share details about his club.  We learned about Rotary as a whole, many service projects, and specifics that pertain to the Flagstaff Club.  He gave us even greater insight into the value of Rotary through his well-prepared presentation.

Each time our team gets together we become more like family, sharing our ideas and growing together through this experience.   Though it is early in the process, we seem to comfortably work together.

We look forward to our continuous learning and to sharing many more stories!  Stay tuned...