Jennifer Summers

Jennifer Summers is a 7th grade Language Arts teacher.  She has lived in Arizona for eight years and she has enjoyed every minute of it!!  Jennifer enjoys many different hobbies including tennis, volleyball, reading, movies, and music.  Anything creative and anything nature.  Family and friends are at the very top of her priority list, though many are very far away.  

Jennifer is proud to say that she is a teacher, coach, and advisor.  She enjoys learning more about her students everyday and she continuously looks for ways to improve her teaching.  This experience will allow Jennifer to share many new things with her students!

Jennifer knows that life is a journey and she takes every opportunity to learn and to experience new things.  She is very much looking forward to the GSE once-in-a-lifetime experience in Australia, and hopes to make many new memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.  

Thank you, Rotary!